Monday, July 26, 2010

Spiritual Gifts

So hubby and I have been attending a Bible study lately. I love it! We are doing a DVD series on spiritual gifts. It has really had me thinking about where I am in my walk with Christ and where God wants me to be. You see, I have been feeling a little restless. And, a little convicted.

I have been a Christian for most of my life. I accepted Christ as my saviour at the age of 5, at a VBS (vacation Bible school). I have made some not-so-great choices along the way, but never lost sight of what Christ did for me. The conviction comes with God asking me what I am doing for Him??? It is so easy to let life's "busyness" get in the way of God's plan. I think that is one area where Satan has shown himself as a thief, in my life. He steals my time. Yes, the house needs to get cleaned at some point, the laundry needs washing, kids need kissing, etc., etc., BUT I do NOT need to watch the a.m. talk shows, or stay up late checking out everything out there on the internet! What impact would it make if I gave up just one show and spent that time with my Lord...hmm, I think I just had an AHA moment:o)

OK, back to spiritual gifts. I don't know exactly what my gifts are! Oh, I've taken those tests. Then that was it. I didn't do anything with what they told me. When I was younger (jr. high-ish?) my mom used to get together with a woman from our church and they would pray over us kids. My mom was a single parent raising my five brothers and me. Marilyn was her prayer support. She also has the gift of prophecy. One of the things she prophesied over me was that I would have a "quiet boldness". I didn't understand exactly what that meant. I DO, however, know that being bold is stark opposite to my disposition...I tend to be a peacemaker, quiet, somewhat shy at first, but not BOLD. Fast forward to present time. I think I am starting to understand what that means:0) And it excites me! I have a few neighbors who are hurting...I feel helpless! I am praying that God will use this gift in HIS perfect time. How awesome will that day be, when I can get over my own self and let God use me? Hopefully, I will be updating soon on this subject! Until then, may God open the eyes and ears of my heart to His still, quiet voice. May I listen and obey.

God bless you!

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